Saturday, December 30, 2006

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Rubber Johnny - Chris Cunningham & Aphex Twin

I'm trying to be careful not to spam my blog with youtube-videos, but this one's too great to let it pass...

harrison haynes

harrison haynes is, besides from being the drummer in Les Savy Fav, quite a successful artist, and this picture is one of my favourites.

Monday, November 27, 2006

spam, in a good way

Finally, someone who has made something nice out of spam-mails...

"The dialogue for spamland comes from the semi-sensical text found in the filter-busting portion of spam emails.

It's back! And this time it's an epic. A monster spam dramatised for your non-sensical pleasure - welcome to Spamland!"

ps! Note the stone-throwing as he says "Jehova", a nice reference ...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

more sketch-models

Since the last review with the teachers on Friday, I've made some adjustments on the project. I've added 9,5 mtrs in the height, so that the total height is now over 25 mtrs. By doing so I've ensured that my building is taller than the neighbouring building, and thereby gets more view... easy-peasy-lemon-squeasy. I've also incorporated the stairs within the building, instead of having them on the outside. This has, however, added 2 mtrs on the building's width, and it's not as sleek as the previous version.

I'm not quite as satisfied with this form as I was with the previous model, but I'll be working more with it tomorrow, and then hopefully make it better...

Thursday, November 16, 2006


a real-time design-contest!

would also have been a nice thing to try out on architecture!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Architects + Creativity

This fall I've been taking a course called "Exploring Creativity". Related to that I've written an essay about creativity among architects. You can find it here, in norwegian...


the first rough 3D-rendering of the sketch-model. the building is the same size as yesterday, and houses a total of 12 persons in 8 units. the materials are in-situ concrete in the longitudinal walls and prefabricated massive wood-elements in the short walls, floor and roof. windows and staircases are coming, hopefully tomorrow...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

more sketch-models

Sketch-model version 2.0.
Scale 1:100.
Ground-area: 6 x 20 mtrs.
Height: 17 mtrs.
500 m2 total.

os gemeos

"Os Gemeos means "the twins" in Portuguese and is pronouced "Ose Zhe'-mee-ose." These two prolific writers have caused quite a sensation since they were featured in 12 Ounce Prophet in 1999, but they've been doing their thing in São Paulo Brazil for quite a while, as some of you lucky enough to see photos from there already know."

and I like it / them / very nice

check out more about the twins here!

volume sketches

some very rough volume studies for the present project. the whole idea is that the size of each person's apartment is based on the person's income * 3, which is the normal maximum limit of how much one can get in a house-loan in norwegian banks. since the people in my project (real persons taken from a random newspaper on the web) have different incomes, the sizes of their apartments vary from 14 m2 to 153 m2.
the total size of the project is 10 apartments, and the site I've chosen is roughly 20 by 6 meters. the boxes in the model are 3 mtrs high and 6 mtrs deep. the length is given by the total square meters per apartment, which again is depending on the inhabitants income.


some photos of a sketch-model. the project: 10 apartments on a site at Grønland, Oslo. this model contains 2 apartments for 4 people. there is still a long way to go.

Friday, November 03, 2006

sketching in thin air

looks like a nice way to make real things out of thin air ...

check out for more information

Monday, October 30, 2006

3RW architects

A small housing project with some skylight-solutions that I found very interresting. Maybe I'll use similar lightings in my current project in school. Haven't gotten very far yet, but will post things as soon as I've got something to "say"...


one of my favourite artists ...

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Norwegian candidates for the Mies van der Rohe-award

The Norwegian Architects Assosciation has nominated the following buildings for the Mies van der Rohe-award:

1 - Svalbard Forskningspark, Jarmund og Vigsnæs AS
2 - Tautra Mariakloster, Jensen og Skodvin AS
3 - Utsiktspunkt, Aurland, Todd Saunders and Tommie Wilhelmsen
4 - Høgskolen i Østfold, Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter AS
5 - Boligblokk i massivtre på Svartlamoen, Trondheim, Brendeland & Kristoffersen arkitekter AS

Friday, October 20, 2006

oslo + architecture

some pictures from today's excursion in oslo.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

colour in your face!!!

even dull social housing projects can look good, just add colours!!

"lambretta twist"

what an incredible lambretta commercial

atelier bow-wow

atelier bow-wow are a japanese architecture office who are giving a lecture at AHO 2. november. Unfortunately, I can't be there cause we're on an excursion to trondheim that day. I checked out their website, not to many interresting projects, but this one looked kinda kool.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

amor fati

a "heads-up" to Olve who we are loosing to litterature these days ...

Amor Fati

Ikke som en Cæsar gjorde,
skal du med et sverd bevæpne
deg mot verden, men med ordet:
Amor Fati - elsk din skjebne

Denne formel skal du fatte
som din sterkeste befrier:
Du har valgt din sti i krattet.
Ikke skjel mot andre stier!

Også smerten er din tjener-
Lammet, sønderknust, elendig
ser du at den gjenforener
deg med det som er nødvendig.

Også fallet, også sviket
hjelper deg som dine venner.
Dine nederlag er rike
gaver, lagt i dine hender.

Engang skal du, tilfredsstillet
av å bli din skjebne verdig,
vite: Dette har jeg villet.
Alt som skjer meg, skjer rettferdig.

Si da, når din levegledes
grønne skog er gjennomvandret:
Intet vil jeg anderledes:
Intet ønsker jeg forandret.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

"Home Grown" - Boligen om 100 år

This is a competition I did together with Andreas Kalstveit and Jakob Pettersen the summer of 2005. The competition was "describe the way of living in 2105", a part of the celebration of Norway's 100 years of independence from Sweden.

We made a system of building that used DNA-technology in the making of new materials that would grow and be "alive". They would therefore reproduce the cells and maintenance would happen by simply making new cells. Plans of new houses could be incorporated in the DNA-structure.

We got a third place, and here follows the jury's comment (in Norwegian):

"Utkast nr. 10 ”Home grown”

Utkastet beskriver en utvikling der kvaliteten på det vi bygger blir stadig dårligere og byggenes levetid stadig kortere. Dette skaper et økende problem knyttet til riving, restavfall og gjenvinning. Forfatterne ønsker å belyse mulighetene for å utforme en bolig som krever lite høyverdig energi ved produksjon, er nærmest vedlikeholdsfri og som er gjenvinnbar i ordets videste forstand.

Løsningen er basert på en avansert nanoteknologi der man ved hjelp av DNA-manipulering er i stand til å produsere et “superorganisk materiale”, og lar dette materialet vokse frem som en vanlig organisk vekst. Dette i motsetning til dagens byggevirksomhet der alle materialer er ”døde organismer”.

Dersom det skulle være behov for å rive et slikt hus, er det bare å kutte energitilførselen. Som enhver annen organisme vil dette huset ”dø” når det ikke får tilført næring, og en naturlig forråtnelsesprosess vil inntreffe.

Juryen er fascinert av de tanker forfatterne presenterer, og den innsiktsfulle og klare måte dette er beskrevet på. Etter juryens mening er imidlertid selve den fysiske løsningen for knapt dokumentert til at utkastet kan fortjene å bli rangert blant de aller beste.

Riktignok ligger det implisitt i selve ideen at de bygningene man tenker seg vil vokse frem nærmest helt fritt i amorfe, naturbaserte strukturer der behovet for design i vanlig forstand ikke foreligger. Likevel burde det vært mulig å visualisere tankene langt bedre enn det forfatterne her har vist."